The MCC received a complaint from Mr. Wurayayi Zembe over an article carried by The Sunday Mail on 13th September 2015 headlined “At last, Jazz in the capital”.

Mr. Zembe in the complaint says in the story carried by The Sunday Mail all artists lined up to perform at the show on Saturday 19th September 2015 were correctly named except one artist, Nyengeterai Zembe who was incorrectly referred to as Nyengererai – “thereby leaving out her name completely from the story despite the event promoters having issued a public advertisement “carrying Nyengetarai Zembe’s correct name”.

Mr. Zembe is aggrieved as he states that the distortion in the name of the artist had the implication of completely excluding her (Nyengeterai) from the story and the jazz event itself. Mr. Zembe has also indicated that he is father to the cited artist.

Status: Finalised

The MCC wrote to Sunday Mail to address the anomaly. The Sunday News indicated that the complainant should have contacted the newspaper earlier for a correction, noting that the mis-spelling of the artist’s name was  a result of a genuine typographical error.

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