THE Executive Director of the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) , Loughty Dube, has been elected the Secretary General of the World Association of  Press Councils at the organisations ongoing annual general meeting being held in Cyprus.

Dube replaces Chris Conybeare of Hawaii in the United States who did not seek re-election. Sule Akber from Cyprus was elected the President of the WAPC, taking over from Kajubi Mukajanga from Tanzania. Kishor Shrestha from Nepal was elected the organisation’s First Vice president while Haron Mwinga from Kenya was elected Second Vice President.

Tamer Atabarut of Turkey retained his position as WAPC Treasurer.

WAPC is an umbrella organization of Press Councils and similar media bodies in different parts of the world committed to championing the cause of free speech and freedom of a responsible press. Dube stands elected into the position for a three year term and is the first Zimbabwean to hold a portfolio in the WAPC Executive Committee.

The WAPC executive council is made up of representatives from Hawaii (USA), India, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, Seychelles, Tanzania, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

VMCZ was represented at the meeting by Dube and Faith Ndlovu, the VMCZ Programmes Manager for Complaints and Advocacy.

Dube said he will work hard in ensuring that WAPC becomes a leading voice on issues of press freedom and that the organisation will become a strong advocate of Press Freedom.

Dube said the WAPC as an international association of press and media councils that have pledged to uphold ideals of freedom of communication, independent media, and excellence in journalism should be seen to be taking a strong stand in protecting rights of journalists.







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