Please be advised that in terms of Section 6 of the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) Constitution, all members are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Friday 26th September, 2014, in Harare at a venue to be advised and communicated to members later.

The proposed agenda items for the AGM are as follows:

1. Introductions
2. Welcoming Remarks
3. Minutes of the previous AGM
4. Matters arising from minutes of the previous AGM
5. Chairperson’s Report
6. Matters arising from the Chairpersons Report
7. Financial Report
8. Proposed Changes to the Code of Conduct
9. Appointment of Auditors
10. Any other business

Specific invitations for delegates from outside of Harare will be sent out once fully paid up members confirm their availability to attend the AGM. Please note that due to resource constraints, VMCZ is unable to cover costs for all outside of Harare delegates. 

Membership is still open and those wanting to renew their membership can do so until Friday 28 August, 2014. 

VMCZ also invites you to visit and like our Facebook page: VMCZ Zimbabwe for upcoming events, news, reports and exciting discussions.

Contact Us

14 Dan Judson Road
Milton Park Harare Zimabwe




Web Design by Shirishanu

Welcome to VMCZ