Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder that those who wish to renew annual membership subscriptions for 2014  to the VMCZ can do soby 29 August 2014. Those that have already paid their  membership subscriptions should ignore this message.

You are reminded that membership subscription fees agreed to at the previous Annual General Meeting (AGM) are now payable and are as follows:

Ordinary Members- the subscription fee is– $ 10-00 per annum

Institutional Members– the subscription fee is- $ 100-00 per annum

Membership fees can be paid at the VMCZ offices at No. 34 Colenbrander Avenue, Milton Park in Harare for those that can manage to visit the offices.

The membership fees can also be deposited with BancABC Account number 10371285502015, Mount Pleasant.

The 2014 VMCZ Annual General Meeting is round the corner (Dates To Be Advised) and in line with the provisions of the VMCZ Constitution, only paid up members attend and participate in the AGM.

 Remember the last day for receiving subscriptions is Friday 29th August, 2014. . No payments will be accepted after this cut-off date.

Members MUST notify the office on the contact details below after making the deposit. 

Kind Regards

 Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe

34 Colenbrander Ave/ Corner Bishop Gaul Avenue, Milton Park, Harare

Tel: 263 4 778096,  778006

Telefax: 263 4 778096

Cell: 0772125659

 Promoting Media Professionalism and Accountability Today…..Tomorrow



Contact Us

14 Dan Judson Road
Milton Park Harare Zimabwe




Web Design by Shirishanu

Welcome to VMCZ