Call Number: 013/2024 (SMAZ)

Background: The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) is inviting journalists below the age of 35 years (from print and broadcast media) and documentary filmmakers to pitch story ideas on illicit financial flows (IFFs). IFFs targeted by the call encompass illicit tax and commercial practices, illicit trade, corruption, and human trafficking and organised crime. These financial crimes undermine economic stability and social development globally. Investigative journalism plays a crucial role in exposing these practices, holding perpetrators accountable, and advocating for transparency and good governance.

Objective: The call for investigative story pitches is part of VMCZ’s objective of strengthening watchdog journalism and media reporting for accountability. An investigation that will break new ground and result in a series of stories will be highly considered for funding.

Focus Areas: We invite pitches that explore, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Illicit tax and commercial practices: Investigative stories uncovering illegal activities such as tax evasion, duty and revenue offences, money laundering, and market manipulation, and illegal activities, eg aggressive tax avoidance practices, including the manipulation of transfer pricing and tax treaty shopping.
  • Illicit trade: Investigative articles on the smuggling of goods (such as drugs, weapons, counterfeit goods) across borders to avoid taxes or regulations.
  • Corruption: Investigative stories uncovering bribery, embezzlement, abuse of functions, trading in influence, and illicit enrichment as defined by the UN Convention against Corruption.
  • Human trafficking and organised crime: Investigative stories on financial benefits linked to activities such as slavery and exploitation, extortion, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, and the financing of crime and terrorism.

Expectations- Selected journalists are expected to publish:

  • 1 (one)- in-depth investigative story with thorough investigations on illicit finance flows
  • A minimum of 2 (two)- follow-up stories to the in-depth investigative story.
  • Demonstration of the impact that resulted from the published articles/broadcasts (ie readership/listenership/viewership stats; and response from government, communities, corporations or other entities


  •  Journalists, freelance and or journalists affiliated with media organizations, are eligible to apply.
  • The journalist should be below the age of 35 years
  • Applicants must demonstrate a track record in investigative journalism or related fields.

Selection Criteria: Grants will be offered to journalists with the strongest applications. Applications will be judged on the quality of the story pitch, the applicant’s journalism skills as indicated by their work samples, and evidence of support from the applicant’s editor.

Pitches and investigative story ideas that will be supported should positively answer the following:

  • Why should readers care about this story? 
  • Why should we publish this now?
  • How does the story build on what is already been covered?
  • Is the story likely to get traction or impact and is it of public?

Number of Required In-depth Investigative Stories: THREE stories ie ONE indepth story, with a provided mentor, and TWO or more follow up stories.

Each successful pitch will be supported with small stipend to cover direct costs that shall be incurred by the newsroom/ journalist/s in the production of the investigative story.  The costs are limited to courier services, transportation, communication, lodging among other surface costs.

Deadline: Due date for submission of this application is:  Wednesday 24 July 2024 at 1500hrs. All applications should be submitted to: and copied to and

Attachments: Please submit the completed application form with a signed acknowledgment note from an editor as a guarantee that the story will be published after a successful application process and production.

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Milton Park Harare Zimabwe




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