
The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant to conduct research on The State of Media Ethics and Professionalism in Zimbabwe. The objective of this research is to assess the current practices, challenges, and opportunities within the media landscape, with a focus on ethical standards, journalistic integrity, and the impact of emerging trends such as digitalisation and AI.

Scope of Work

The selected consultant will be responsible for:

1. Literature Review

  • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature, reports, and studies related to media professionalism in Zimbabwe. This includes examining current media laws, regulations, codes of conduct, and ethical standards.

2. Data Collection

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Identify and engage with key stakeholders in the media industry, including journalists, editors, media owners, regulatory bodies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. This may involve interviews, surveys, focus group discussions, and other methods of qualitative and quantitative data collection.
  • Case Studies: Identify and analyze case studies of media practices in Zimbabwe that highlight both positive examples of professionalism and areas where challenges have arisen.

3. Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities

  • Identify the key challenges facing media professionals in Zimbabwe, such as issues related to freedom of expression, ethical dilemmas, financial pressures, and the impact of digitalization and AI.
  • Explore opportunities for improving media professionalism, including potential areas for training, policy reform, and industry support.
  • Compare the state of media professionalism in Zimbabwe with that of other countries in the region or globally, identifying best practices and lessons that could be applied locally.

4. Drafting and Finalizing the Research

  • Prepare a comprehensive report detailing the findings of the research, including the literature review, data analysis, case studies, and recommendations. The report should be well-structured, clearly written, and supported by relevant data and evidence.
  • Present the findings and recommendations to the VMCZ for review and make necessary amendments based on feedback.
  • Submit the final research report, along with any supporting documents, data, or materials collected during the research process. Ensure that all deliverables meet the quality standards and deadlines agreed upon with VMCZ.

Qualifications and Experience

  • A proven track record in media research, with experience in media ethics, journalism, or a related field.
  • Strong understanding of the media landscape in Zimbabwe, including familiarity with relevant laws, regulations, and professional standards.
  •  Excellent analytical and report-writing skills.
  • Ability to work independently and engage effectively with diverse stakeholders.


The consultancy is expected to last approximately three weeks.

Application Process

Interested consultants are invited to submit a completed Proposal using the provided form by 28 August 2024

Selection Process

The selection will be based on the consultant’s qualifications, experience, and proposed methodology.

Equal Opportunity

VMCZ is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all qualified individuals regardless of race, gender, disability, or any other characteristic.

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14 Dan Judson Road
Milton Park Harare Zimabwe




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