
The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe is seeking a qualified consultant to review and update our internal policies and documents. As an organization committed to excellence and continuous improvement, we recognize the importance of maintaining up-to-date and comprehensive policies that reflect best practices and comply with current legal and regulatory standards.

Scope of Work

The consultant will be responsible for:

  1. Reviewing Existing Policies and Documents:
  2. Conduct a thorough review of the organization’s current internal policies and documents, including but not limited to:
  3. Fraud avoidance and risk management
  4. Information Security Policy
  5. VMCZ Constitution
  6. VMCZ Manual
  7. Gender and Sexual Harassment Policy
  8. Non-Support of Terrorist and Vetting Policy
  9. Identify areas that require updates or revisions to ensure clarity, coherence, order and compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and best practices.
  • Updating and Developing Policies
  • Update existing policies to align with current legal requirements, industry standards, and organizational goals.
  • Develop new policies where gaps are identified, ensuring they are comprehensive and clearly articulated.
  • Ensure all policies promote a positive and inclusive work environment, supporting diversity and equity.
  • Stakeholder Consultation
  • Engage with key stakeholders, including management, HR, legal advisors, and staff, to gather input and ensure the policies reflect the organization’s culture and needs.
  • Finalization and Implementation Support
  • Prepare the final versions of all updated and new policies.
  • Provide guidance on the implementation of the updated policies, including training or briefing sessions for staff and management.


  • A comprehensive report detailing the review findings and recommended changes.
  • Updated and newly developed internal policy documents.
  • Implementation plan for rolling out the new policies, including communication strategies and training materials.

Qualifications and Experience

The ideal consultant will have:

  • Proven experience in reviewing and developing organizational policies and procedures.
  • Strong knowledge of legal and regulatory compliance in [your country/industry].
  • Excellent writing and communication skills.
  • Ability to engage with diverse stakeholders and incorporate their feedback.
  • Experience working with organizations of similar size and complexity.


The consultancy is expected to last approximately two weeks.

Submission Instructions

Please email the completed form and all required attachments to by 20 August 2024. Any questions regarding the call are answered between 1000rs to 1600hrs on 15 and 16 August 2024, ONLY.

Contact Us

14 Dan Judson Road
Milton Park Harare Zimabwe




Web Design by Shirishanu

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