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The Digital Journalist’s Toolbox: Video

Engaging and interactive journalism is still possible even without an extensive knowledge of coding. But how? We’ve taken the guesswork out, scouring the internet to find the most accessible tools to create multimedia content. Below, you’ll find a collection of completely free applications that...

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No to social media blocking

YESTERDAY, we learnt that government was moving to craft new  regulations to regulate social media and jail people it feels are using various platforms to "incite violence" While the news was disappointing considering Zimbabwe is after all, a supposedly a functional democracy, it did not come as a...

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Membership Subscription Payments Deadline

Dear Members Members of The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) are informed that the deadline for members who wish to pay for their subscriptions is Monday 15 August 2016. Members are reminded that membership subscription fees as agreed to at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) last year...

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VMCZ Condemns Assault of Journalists

The Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) condemns in the strongest terms the increased cases of brutality against journalists that have been reported in the last eight months. The upsurge of cases involving the assault of journalists by police and members of political parties are cause for...

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BAZ accused of bias, monopoly, tribalism

  A PROSPECTIVE private broadcaster, Carryslot Investment (Private) Ltd, yesterday filed an Administrative Court challenge against the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ)’s decision to issue broadcasting licences to State-linked companies only. BY CHARLES LAITON Carryslot was among several...

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Seven worldwide journalism opportunities to apply for in August

Looking to expand your journalism toolkit, take on a new beat or receive recognition for your work? Check out these promising courses, fellowships and competitions with deadlines in August. Click link for more Source:...

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Editors body condemns brutalisation of journalists

The Zimbabwe National Editors Forum (ZINEF) condemns in strongest terms the wanton assault of journalists today by police while doing their jobs in Harare. Journalism is not a crime but a profession. What is worrying is that the assaults took place at a police sanctioned demonstration. It is not...

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Africa is looted via secret firms

  Entrepreneurs and government officials in 52 of Africa’s 54 countries are using secret offshore companies to hide corrupt dealings and stash away billions of dollars, a major investigation reveals. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) says the Panama Papers, a leaked...

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